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Closed Check the template directory exists (or create it at launch time ?)
chorem / jtimer #116 · created by Eric Chatellier
Each time I want to create a new task, I have this error in console:
2016/03/09 06:49:59 ERROR (org.chorem.jtimer.JTimerConfig:176) - Can't create backup
java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /home/tche...
Closed Enable variable substitution at template applying
chorem / jtimer #104 · created by Eric Chatellier
As a v2 for #1319, it would be great that each defined variable in template is prompted to the user. Here is a sample based on the YAML proposal:
contract ${contract}:
Closed Add a way to create a tree structure from a template
chorem / jtimer #102 · created by Eric Chatellier
For each of our projects, we would like to use the same tree structure (with a lot of sub nodes...). Instead of creating each node, sub node n-times, it would be nice to reuse a tree structure templa...
Closed Updates to mavenpom 2.5
nuiton / i18n #69 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 1319 created on 2011-02-14, closed on 2011-02-14)*