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Open Out of memory on a search query
retired / chorem #64 · created by Eric Chatellier
I typed *i* in Compagny search and I get after 2 minutes:
org.debux.webmotion.server.WebMotionException: Error on server when write the render in response
	at org.debux.webmotion.server.handler.Execu...
Open Journal centralisateur
retired / lima #116 · created by Eric Chatellier
Il serait bien de pouvoir obtenir le journal centralisateur (sortie pdf) Exemple :
Date     Journal Intitulé journal       Débit    Crédit

01/2010  AC      ACHATS                  XXX      XXX
Open Remove all EBP beans from callao model
retired / lima #115 · created by Eric Chatellier
EntryEBP and AccountEBP are only used to load data during import and getter/setter are dependant from EBP export file struture. Could be replaced by get("Account") on csv reader. *(from redmine issu...
Closed javax.ejb.EJBException: Cannot obtain a free instance.
retired / lima #114 · created by Eric Chatellier
Message: javax.ejb.EJBException: Cannot obtain a free instance.; nested exception is: org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException: Error while creating bean
Closed Updates to topia 2.6.11
retired / lima #105 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 458 created on 2011-09-22, closed on 2011-09-22, blocks #475)*
Closed Update to commons-lang 3.1
chorem / jtimer #51 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 478 created on 2012-02-29, closed on 2012-02-29)*
Closed Timing stop on a task and task can't be restarted
chorem / jtimer #50 · created by Eric Chatellier
Sometimes, a started task stop to run (duration stop to increase) and task can't be stopped. Following exception appears in log:
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
Closed Renaming a task break tasks tree rendering
chorem / jtimer #27 · created by Eric Chatellier
Lors d'un renommage de nom de tĉhe (qui change l'ordre alphabetique), l'ancien emplacement devient un champ vide. Le seul moyen de revenir à un état normal est de redémarrer JTimer *(from redmine iss...
Closed Take screenshot of bookmarked web page and use it as icon for bookmark
chorem / bow #84 · created by Eric Chatellier
Pour cela lors de la creation du bookmark utiliser flyingsaucer via la methode org.xhtmlrenderer.simple.Graphics2DRenderer#renderToImageAutoSize(String url, int width):BufferedImage mettre comme wid...
Closed Le parsage des url avec des port n'est pas bon
retired / jrst #6 · created by Tony Chemit
Par exemple l'adresse : http://localhost:8080 Est transformée en: http://localhost:8080/ *(from redmine issue 47 created on 2009-09-09, closed on 2009-09-14)*
Closed Can not edit a xml file
nuiton / scmwebeditor #17 · created by Tony Chemit
I tried with this url ** and I obtained an error :
2011/08/18 05:00:47 ERROR ( Can't edit this file, mimetype : applic...
Closed Calling mvn eugene:help raise a classpath error
nuiton / eugene #264 · created by Tony Chemit
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] Extranet ENC-AHI
[INFO] Extranet ENC-AHI :: ...
Closed Updates to hibernate 3.6.5.Final
nuiton / topia #76 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 476 created on 2010-04-08, closed on 2011-06-21)*
Closed [ServiceTransformer] Implements directly the second treateError method (with no transaction)
nuiton / topia #75 · created by Tony Chemit
Don't put it in abstract. This method simply call the one with transaction argument as null. *(from redmine issue 475 created on 2010-04-08, closed on 2010-04-20)*
Closed [TopiaQuery] Add method to easily concat entity properties
nuiton / topia #74 · created by Tony Chemit
It's not very smooth to do that each time we need a property : boat + "." + Boat.SHIP_OWNER + "." + ShipOwner.NAME Need a method to retrieve directly the concatened property : getProperty(boat, Boat....
Closed Use nuiton-utils 1.2.2
nuiton / topia #73 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 472 created on 2010-04-08, closed on 2010-04-13)*
Closed Use EUGene 2.0.1
nuiton / topia #72 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 471 created on 2010-04-08, closed on 2010-04-20)*
Closed [ServiceTransformer] problem with multiple methods with same name
nuiton / topia #71 · created by Tony Chemit
There is a confusion in generation between methods with same abstract name (execute...) when they are called in the implementation skeleton. *(from redmine issue 470 created on 2010-04-08, closed on ...
Closed Problem with defaultValue on class attribute
nuiton / eugene #41 · created by Tony Chemit
Seems to use the automatic getTypesList which get imports from defaultValue. But it's more complicated. Don't do it for defaultValue. *(from redmine issue 474 created on 2010-04-08, closed on 2010-04...