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Closed Use struts 2
chorem / bow #34 · created by Eric Chatellier
*(from redmine issue 253 created on 2010-11-23, closed on 2011-02-11, relates #220, relates #218)*
Closed change error page
chorem / bow #15 · created by Eric Chatellier
Error page is horrible :( When error occur, we must have normal bow page, with error explanation on top of page in red. Error explanation must be correct for all error *(from redmine issue 218 crea...
Closed Strange errors during tests - Possible resource leak !
retired / wikitty #125 · created by Tony Chemit
When performing tests, we got strange errors. Might be great to fix this. 2011-01-21 16:38:32,218 [Finalizer] ERROR org.apache.solr.common.util.ConcurrentLRUCache - ConcurrentLRUCache was not destroy...
Closed Introduce a RequestFactory instead of using it inside the rest client
nuiton / maven-helper-plugin #56 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2183 created on 2012-07-12, closed on 2012-07-12)*
Closed updates to commons lang 3
nuiton / maven-helper-plugin #55 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2182 created on 2012-07-12, closed on 2012-07-12)*
Open Improve RedmineService design
retired / jredmine #71 · created by Tony Chemit
Only the Implementator service should know hwo to get and send data to redmine server. The high level API should just deal with high level stuff :). *(from redmine issue 2189 created on 2012-07-15, ...
Open Make possible to use redmine service or any api without plexus container
retired / jredmine #70 · created by Tony Chemit
At the moment, we are using plexus injections, if some others projects wants to use redmine-client as if, must then be able to instanciate them with no plexus container. We will keep the plexus injec...
Open Updates to mavenpom 3.3.8
retired / jredmine #69 · created by Tony Chemit
Will then use the fluido site skin. *(from redmine issue 2187 created on 2012-07-14, closed on 2012-07-14)*
Open Add loading of default i18n as fallback translation
nuiton / i18n #94 · created by Tony Chemit
Actuellement on ne charge qu'un fichier (fr ou fr_FR). Il serait préférable de faire comme ResourceBundle ou Properties de chainer les ressources. Si on demande messages-fr_FR, on charge tout de meme...
Open Add document on i18n choice (not used ResourceBundle)
nuiton / i18n #93 · created by Tony Chemit
Il faut mettre dans la doc pourquoi nous ne nous sommes pas basé ou réutilisé ResourceBundle: - mauvaise gestion de l'encoding - utilisation de MessageFormat qui a une mauvaise syntaxe (obligation de ...
Closed Update to swingx 1.6.3
nuiton / jaxx #1499 · created by Tony Chemit
This artifact changed group id. *(from redmine issue 2184 created on 2012-07-13, closed on 2012-07-17)*
Closed Remove old tutorials
nuiton / jaxx #1498 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 2180 created on 2012-07-10, closed on 2012-07-10)*