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Closed Add obtainSourceProperty and obtainTargetProperty in Binder
nuiton / nuiton-utils #285 · created by Tony Chemit
Those methods are similar to *obtainProperties* but for only one property. *(from redmine issue 3769 created on 2015-08-26, closed on 2015-08-26)*
Closed Usage of stereotype unique combined with an orderBy tag value should generate a LinkedHashSet
nuiton / topia #609 · created by Tony Chemit
The prototype of generated code does not change, only the implementation class to use to deal such collections. *(from redmine issue 3768 created on 2015-08-25, closed on 2015-08-25)*
Closed Do not create tms_version table if flag initSchema is off in configuration
nuiton / topia #608 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3767 created on 2015-08-23, closed on 2015-08-23)*
Closed Db schema name is not generated if tag value is set on a package
nuiton / topia #607 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3766 created on 2015-08-23, closed on 2015-08-23)*
Closed Introduce attributeType tag value
nuiton / topia #606 · created by Tony Chemit
This tag value is similar as the hibernateAttributeType but works on java code generation. The tag value is used also in the hibernate generator if hibernateAttributeType tag value is not found. h4....
Closed Can not use hibernateAttributeType
nuiton / topia #605 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3763 created on 2015-08-21, closed on 2015-08-21)*
Closed Update eugene to 3.0-alpha-5
nuiton / topia #604 · created by Tony Chemit
*(from redmine issue 3761 created on 2015-08-21, closed on 2015-08-24)*
Closed New tag value to add generic information on attribute
nuiton / eugene #287 · created by Tony Chemit
On #3760, we have add a tag value to specify a generic information on any model attribute, we rename it to *attributeGeneric* and place it on the eugene defaults tag values. Any templates using the me...
Closed Validation fail if "tagValue" is used
nuiton / eugene #285 · created by Tony Chemit
Only "tagvalue" is accepted by the validation for the *model* scope. *(from redmine issue 3764 created on 2015-08-21, closed on 2015-08-23)*
Closed Be able to use complex tag value
nuiton / eugene #284 · created by Tony Chemit
We need to detect some tag values in ToPIA with complex value. For example:
Actually, Eugen...
Closed Add an generic information on an attribute (SimpleJavaBeanWithNoInterfaceTransformer only!)
nuiton / eugene #283 · created by Tony Chemit
Add a new tag value named *simpleBeanWithNoInterfaceAttributeGeneric* to be able to specify a generic information on an attibute. h4. Example With this attribute